Friday, February 15, 2008

In Siem Reap

I was in SR on wed joining the party which took place at Tara Angkor Hotel. Everyone enjoyed the party esp the hotel is so nice yah love it...

With Sinang inside the hotel
Lovely ladies
Cake for our party
With Yhen playing with the balloon
gathering before the party started
Love the decoration
Outside the hotel
with Sinang before leaving SR

Friday, February 01, 2008

I'm back

Its been for a while that i am not updating frequently my blog. well, life is getting so busy to earn enough for living hmm sound like m so greedy he he nah i just want to keep myself busy as much as i can. Motivation and care is need during this intensive time luckily i got enough from you guys thanks for always cheering and supporting me :-) Anyway i am able to enjoy the party tomorrow hopefully i have a good luck getting the best prize +++ praying praying++++